Breakthrough Country Retreat
Freedom Finder Breakthrough Retreat
TBC 2024 | Tamworth
This is a powerful 2 day residential program finding and breaking through our internal emotional blocks and limitations in our relationships with ourselves and others. The program includes multiple Cathartic Breathwork sessions and powerful processes to truly transform your life.
"The journey that Paul takes you on over the weekend is a very special experience. Before the retreat, I had absolutely no idea what cathartic breathwork involved but I trusted that I was in the right place. Paul has a deep knowledge of his work and provides a safe space for people to go deep and do the work that can be confrontational yet so transformative at the same time.
If you are ready to embrace change, I would highly recommend attending the Breakthrough retreat with Paul" Mel, Sydney
Breakthrough with the most powerful tool you have
The most effective and powerful techniques offer a new and transformational approach to healing self love at a deep level. Harness the power of your breath and feel the energy stirring within you.
The power of group work
“To heal you must feel”. Years of counselling can still be only scratching the surface for many. Talking therapy has its place, but is very limited as it only works at “head level”. By allowing yourself to feel in the presence of a group, your opening up is magnified and the energy is raised for all in the room.
About Freedom Finder
Freedom Finder's Safe Cathartic Breathwork is a unique style of Emotional Trauma Release Breathwork that will help clear unresolved issues and transition your life into one of freedom, clarity of purpose and greater joy.
Is it for me?
This is going to be a very deep and powerful retreat with multiple Cathartic Breathwork sessions – a spring clean for stuck emotions. Previous breathwork sessions are recommended. Freedom Finder Cathartic Breathwork can save years of therapy and provides a deeper, effective and authentic shift towards genuinely feeling better sooner.
Freedom Finder Emotion Breakthrough Retreat
TBC 2024 | Tamworth
This is a powerful 2 day residential program finding and breaking through our internal emotional blocks and limitations in our relationships with ourselves others. The program includes:
Time in nature – immerse yourself in beautiful forest, walk, move and shake to awaken your energy
Setting Intentions – supercharge your experience by getting clear on what you want and need
Breathwork – the most powerful method to fast track and deepen your transformation.
An introduction to breathwork for you to experience this super powerful technique in a safe way, and participants find themselves experiencing shifts and unblocking of stuck emotions
Group breath sessions where you are guided to use the power of your own breath to connect deeply and release blocks that you have held all your life. The program covers different breathing techniques including tools that you can use yourself ongoing after the program
A powerful group breathwork session deepens your experience, with participants transformed, much lighter and feeling better. The focus is releasing your blocks physically and permanently
An individual breath session is used to focus each participant within themselves and allow their experiences to be integrated, with increased clarity not only of self, but what they need and want going forward
Relationships – explore the core principles of relationships, starting with the focus on how we relate to ourselves. This is the foundation for all other relationships in our lives. We start to open up and release negative beliefs that prevent us from feeling good about ourselves and forming strong connections with others
Relationship issues – going deeper into the root cause of our relationship issues we work through experiential sessions that highlight our core issues. This is deep and powerful work where people get to see themselves as never before – many participants have significant breakthroughs
Love Language – explore and practice a simple yet powerful insight to how you express and receive love in your relationships
Our Real Self – Identify blocks that have kept you stuck in your current patterns, practice non harmful communication where you take personal responsibility for you, tell your truth, and rebuild your confidence to speak up for yourself
Experience the difference between limiting thoughts and beliefs and empowerment, the difference between controlling and embracing. We practice deep and soul level awareness and affirmation. Participants reawaken their innate ability to communicate clearly and profoundly
Truth process - participants experience the power of their words: to connect to their partner, to unblock their issues that sabotage their relationship, to experience their partner in a deeper and more profound way. This is the opening to allowing relationships to move to the next level, or, from a place to love, leave and move forward.
Fire cleanse – no, you will not be burned – a special process to help you let go, truly let go, of old baggage that you carry with you and holds you back from loving relationships.
Nourishment – on site chef prepared beautiful food and juices to nourish and lift you with colour, taste and nutritional power. To enhance your process to help you let go, we serve vegan food and avoid alcohol and coffee.